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merriam webster

2 Translation results for surrender in Spanish

noun | verb

surrender noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
rendición (de una ciudad, etc.), entrega (de posesiones)

Example sentences of
surrender noun

  • Their surrender was formalized in a treaty.
  • They demanded an unconditional surrender.

Synonyms of
surrender noun

Detailed synonyms for surrender noun

Surrender, submission, capitulation significan el ceder uno su persona, sus fuerzas o sus posesiones a otra persona o potencia.
  • Surrender, tanto en su uso militar como en su uso general, tiende a indicar el ceder todo y el depender de la clemencia o la humanidad de una potencia más fuerte <the unconditional surrender of all enemy forces>.
  • Submission pone énfasis en el reconocimiento del poder o la autoridad de otro, y connota a menudo la pérdida de independencia <he had beaten his dog into submission>.
    antonyms: resistance
  • Capitulation puede recalcar condiciones acordadas entre dos personas o grupos que son partes de una rendición, pero recalca a menudo lo completo o lo final de la rendición <the sudden capitulation of the entire army>.

surrender verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
surrendered, has surrendered, is surrendering, surrenders
entregar, rendir; rendirse

Example sentences of
surrender verb

  • The enemy finally surrendered after three days of fighting.
  • The gunman surrendered and was taken into custody.
  • The troops were forced to surrender the fort.
  • They were required to surrender their passports.
  • the surrendering of land to the government
  • He refused to surrender to despair.
  • He refused to surrender himself to despair.

Detailed synonyms for surrender verb

See: Relinquish

Reverse translation for surrender

rendición  (de una ciudad, etc.) - surrender, submission, yield, return 
entrega  (de posesiones) - delivery, handing over, surrender, installment 
entregar  - to deliver, to give, to present, to hand in, to hand over 
rendir  - to render, to give, to progress, to make headway, to last, to go a long way, to yield, to exhaust 
rendirse  - to surrender, to give up, (figurative) to throw in the towel